- Number of Post Offices by Category in Nabarangpur District of Odisha
(As on 31.03.2022)
- Number of Post Offices in Nabarangpur District of Odisha
(As on 31.03.2021)
- Number of Post Offices by Category in Nabarangpur District of Odisha
(As on 31.03.2020)
- Number of Post Offices in Nabarangpur District of Odisha
(As on 01.04.2019)
- Number of Post Offices in Nabarangpur District of Odisha (As on 27.03.2017)
- Number of Post Offices in Nabarangpur District of Odisha (2010-2011)
- Number of Post Offices in Nabarangpur District of Odisha (2005-2006)